SCEC Project Details
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SCEC Award Number
08109 |
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Proposal Category
Individual Proposal (Data Gathering and Products) |
Proposal Title
Slip rate determination for the southern branch of the San Andreas Fault in the Ritter Ranch area, Palmdale, California |
Other Participants |
Mark Swiatek, Tom Brudos, Beth Padon |
SCEC Priorities |
A1 |
SCEC Groups
Geology, SoSAFE |
Report Due Date
02/28/2009 |
Date Report Submitted
N/A |
Intellectual Merit
N/A |
Broader Impacts
N/A |
Linked Publications
Add missing publication or edit citation shown. Enter the SCEC project ID to link publication.
- Young, E. K., Cowgill, E., Scharer, K. M., Anderson-Merritt, E. O., Keen-Zebert, A., & Weldon, R. J. (2021). Late Holocene Slip Rate of the Mojave Section of the San Andreas Fault near Palmdale, California. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 111(6), 3204-3225. SCEC Contribution Number 10987