Project Abstract
Gouge is an incohesive, fine grain powder that is found in all active fault zones in the brittle crust. As gouge formation is attributed to slip during earthquakes and to fault creep, gouge properties may serve as a powerful key to understanding earthquake energy balance, slip instability, creep controlling parameters, and frictional melt. Recent analyses of gouge properties have provided a range of results, yet these results may differ from one study to other probably due to analytical techniques, different site or interpretation of field relations.
We propose here to analyze the properties of siliceous gouge samples from rupture-zones of recent earthquakes that will be collected at focal depth, as well as fresh gouge that formed in rock mechanics experiments. The samples will be analyzed in a few techniques: laser particle size analyzer, SEM, TEM, electron- microprobe, and BET. We think that this multi-technique approach will clarify the main characteristics of earthquake gouge powder. |