Disaggregating UCERF3 for site-specific applications
Glenn P. Biasi, & John G. AndersonPublished November 1, 2016, SCEC Contribution #7098
We present methods to simplify the use of the Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast 3 (UCERF3) in site-specific seismic hazard analyses. UCERF3 defines the “state-of-practice” for hazard assessments in California and underlies the current USGS National Seismic Hazard Map (NSHM). UCERF3 contains many more ruptures than previous models and fault-to-fault connectivity in the model makes ruptures less readily incorporated into conventional hazard analyses. We demonstrate a decomposition of the UCERF3 model using site-specific subsection magnitude-frequency distributions (S3MFDs) that reduces computational demands while still including every rupture. The decomposed hazard can be used to evaluate site-specific fault source epistemic uncertainties. We illustrate using spectral acceleration at 1 Hz at three trial sites, one near a single dominant fault, one near Long Beach, where many low slip-rate faults contribute, and one in San Jose, where fault hazard is concentrated in a few high slip-rate faults.
Key Words
seismic hazard, UCERF3
Biasi, G. P., & Anderson, J. G. (2016). Disaggregating UCERF3 for site-specific applications. Earthquake Spectra, 32(4), 2009-2026. doi: 10.1193/071515EQS114M.
Related Projects & Working Groups
Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast, Version 3 (UCERF3), Working Group on California Earthquake Probabilities (WGCEP)