Utilizing A Geovisualization Platform By Way Of WebGIS As An Earthquake Hazard Educational Medium

Sebastian Silva

Published September 11, 2022, SCEC Contribution #12352, 2022 SCEC Annual Meeting Poster #279 (PDF)

Poster Image: 
Communicating and educating the public on the urgency of earthquake preparedness is central to the promotion of best practices in the face of this ever present threat. This includes filling in the gap between a lack of educational materials and what is needed to visualize the danger of earthquakes, thus helping the public conceptualize the impact that factors such as location and magnitude can have on the geographic extent of damage. For this reason, we have utilized geospatial-based platforms to efficiently communicate these aspects in order to emphasize the importance of taking steps towards earthquake preparedness. This approach addresses the gap in accessibility and availability of earthquake education for the public. Using Esri’s ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Online, WebApp Builder, and StoryMaps, we were able to create an accessible platform for the general public. We implemented ShakeMaps from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) and FEMA’s Hazard and Risk Analysis Model (HAZUS) into the Earthquake Hazards Near You 1.0 (EHNY), a GIS StoryMap capable of conveying seismic safety educational information to the public efficiently. The release of EHNY 2.0 includes major work to improve functionality by using newer features, as well as implementing the use of an interactive 3D web application. EHNY 2.0 conveys the geographic extent of 12 large historical earthquakes (>M6.0) as well as 16 earthquake scenarios across southern California, through interactive, intuitive maps that portray the potential severity– and urgency– of these hazards. Through EHNY 2.0, a notable increase in speed and loading times made for a more seamless user experience as well as the ability to access this information via mobile devices. The use of interactive and intuitive features has resulted in an educational tool that is both efficient and engaging for users. Taking advantage of the powerful features of geovisualization software, this platform makes information on seismology and earthquake safety accessible to a general audience. Being optimized and responsive in various platforms, EHNY 2.0 can be applied for public outreach in classrooms, the field, or exhibitions/education events and can positively impact public awareness of seismic risks and safety practices.

Key Words
earthquake hazard, webGIS, education, geovisualization, preparedness

Silva, S. (2022, 09). Utilizing A Geovisualization Platform By Way Of WebGIS As An Earthquake Hazard Educational Medium. Poster Presentation at 2022 SCEC Annual Meeting.

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