Ionospheric precursors of earthquakes and Global Electric Circuit
Sergey A. Pulinets, & Dmitry DavidenkoPublished 2014, SCEC Contribution #10890
The electromagnetic coupling between the seismically activated area and the ionosphere is considered within the framework of the Global Electric Circuit (GEC) conception. First we consider the anomalous variations in the ionosphere associated with the earthquake preparation process, their temporal and spatial characteristics using the results from recent publications. Then the GEC conception is presented shortly with main accent put on ionization processes which play key role in the complex chain of physical and chemical interactions changing the electric properties of the planetary boundary layer of atmosphere. We treat this part of troposphere as an open complex system with dissipation where so called “blow up” processes are developed leading to sharp and fast changes of atmospheric parameters including the electric properties of the boundary layer. The new concept named Spatial Scintillation Index is introduced in the last part of the paper. In general, this paper may be considered as a short review of the recent achievements in understanding of the seismo-ionospheric coupling.
Pulinets, S. A., & Davidenko, D. (2014). Ionospheric precursors of earthquakes and Global Electric Circuit. Advances in Space Research , 53, 709-723. doi: 10.1016/j.asr.2013.12.035.