Rate dependent shear bands in a shear transformation zone model of amorphous solids

Mary E. Manning, Eric G. Daub, James S. Langer, & Jean M. Carlson

Published 2009, SCEC Contribution #1250

We use Shear Transformation Zone (STZ) theory to develop a deformation map for amorphous solids as a function of the imposed shear rate and initial material preparation. The STZ formulation incorporates recent simulation results [Haxton and Liu, PRL 99 195701 (2007)] showing that the steady state effective temperature is rate dependent. The resulting model predicts a wide range of deformation behavior, from homogeneous deformation to extremely thin shear bands and the onset of material failure. In particular, the STZ model predicts homogeneous deformation for shorter quench times and lower strain rates, and inhomogeneous deformation for longer quench times and higher strain rates. The location of the transition between homogeneous and inhomogeneous flow on the deformation map depends on the steady state effective temperature, which is likely material- dependent. This model also suggests that material failure occurs due to a runaway feedback between shear heating and the local disorder, and provides an explanation for the thickness of shear bands near the onset of material failure. We find that this model, which resolves dynamics within a sheared material interface, predicts that the stress weakens with strain much more rapidly than a similar model which uses a single state variable to specify internal dynamics on the interface.

Manning, M. E., Daub, E. G., Langer, J. S., & Carlson, J. M. (2009). Rate dependent shear bands in a shear transformation zone model of amorphous solids. Physical Review E,.