Generation of Synthetic Strong Earthquake Ground Motions Using a Composite Source Model and Synthetic Green's Functions

John G. Anderson, Haluk Sucuoglu, Yuehua Zeng, & Feng Su

Published 2002, SCEC Contribution #700

We describe a model that generates realistic synthetic records of plausible strong ground motions, specific to the fault – station geometry. We model the slip as a superposition of randomly located subevents. Since this source includes random parameters, we generate multiple realizations to investigate the uncertainties. In the context of the Representation Theorem, the motion is transferred to the site using synthetic Green’s functions generated for a flat-layered Earth model. The Green’s functions are generated using the regional velocity model, and can be modified with shallow layers to match the local site conditions. Source parameters are related energy and effective stress. Thus the parameters in the model are mostly constrained by either geological or geophysical observations. This paper also reviews several applications.

Key Words
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development

Anderson, J. G., Sucuoglu, H., Zeng, Y., & Su, F. (2002). Generation of Synthetic Strong Earthquake Ground Motions Using a Composite Source Model and Synthetic Green's Functions. Presentation at OECD/NEA Workshop on the Relations Between Seismological Data and Seismic Engineering.