Blending old and new approaches to regional GPS geodesy

Michael Bevis, Dale Bock, Peng Fang, Robert Reilinger, Thomas A. Herring, & Robert Smalley

Published February 11, 1997, SCEC Contribution #354

High precision Global Positioning System (GPS) geodesy has emerged as a powerful new tool for the Earth sciences. Over the last decade it has revolutionized global and regional geodesy and research into crustal motion and deformation, and it shows great promise in other areas such as remote sensing of atmospheric water vapor and the ionosphere. Increasingly, geodesists and geophysicists constructing regional GPS networks are interacting with meteorologists, space physicists, seismologists, control surveyors, and others seeking a multiple-use infrastructure.

Bevis, M., Bock, D., Fang, P., Reilinger, R., Herring, T. A., & Smalley, R. (1997). Blending old and new approaches to regional GPS geodesy. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 78(6), 61-66. doi: 10.1029/97EO00040.