Earthquake Seismology 2.5 km Down the Cajon Pass Scientific Drillhole, Southern California

Rachel E. Abercrombie

Published 1994, SCEC Contribution #109


Key Words
United States, P-waves, Southern California Seismic Network, elastic waves, strike-slip faults, Cajon Pass Borehole, California, attenuation, deep drilling, focus, tectonics, drilling, active faults, San Bernardino County California, Cajon Pass, faults, seismotectonics, seismograms, body waves, magnitude, deformation, models, rupture, boreholes, Southern California, San Andreas Fault, seismic waves, seismic networks, earthquakes, microearthquakes

Abercrombie, R. E. (1994). Earthquake Seismology 2.5 km Down the Cajon Pass Scientific Drillhole, Southern California. Presentation at .