Group B, Poster #072, Tectonic Geodesy
Inferring the effective rheology of the lithosphere and heterogeneities in rheological properties using geodetic observations of earthquake sequences
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Poster Presentation
2022 SCEC Annual Meeting, Poster #072, SCEC Contribution #12191 VIEW PDF
s of periodic earthquake cycles for a 2-D strike-slip fault in a frictional-viscoelastic medium to highlight how combining geodetic observations from the post-seismic and inter-seismic allows us to reject a homogeneous linear Maxwell model as a candidate rheology. However, spatially heterogeneous viscosities in a linear Maxwell model (a low viscosity core surrounded by a high viscosity bulk), homogeneous power-law and Burgers rheologies are all consistent with typical observations. Distinguishing between these models is possible if we go beyond periodic earthquakes, and instead investigate earthquake sequence deformation. For a typical two-event and three-event sequence, we are readily able to discriminate between the aforementioned candidate rheological formulations. Estimating an appropriate constitutive relationship for the crust-mantle system has implications for problems in stress interactions between neighboring faults, since viscoelasticity promotes the propagation of elevated stress levels deeper into block interiors than predictions from typical frictional-elastic models. The time-lag and increased amplitude of viscoelastically modulated stresses may be crucial to estimate regional seismic hazard and risk.