Poster #180, SCEC Community Models (CXM)
The SCEC Community Thermal Model (CTM) Version 1.2
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Poster Presentation
2020 SCEC Annual Meeting, Poster #180, SCEC Contribution #10724 VIEW PDF
constant. As a point of departure we compute 1D steady-state geotherms for all HFRs using standard methods. We assess the consistency of these models with other data and find significant disagreements. In particular, predicted thermal lithospheric-asthenosphere boundary (tLAB) depths are 95-220 km beneath SoCal’s Late Cretaceous batholiths. Seismic estimates of LAB depth (sLAB) provide an independent dataset relevant to our thermal modeling. There are strong reasons to believe sLAB = tLAB) beneath SoCal and much of the active western US. If so two remarkable features of SHF-sLAB systematics jump out. First, for 11 HFRs with SHF 40-82 mW/m2, sLAB depth is a surprisingly constant 70 ± 5 km. Furthermore, these data points naturally separate into 3 clusters, the first with high average SHF (79-140 mW/m2) above 3 magmatic HFRs (Cluster 1); the second with moderate SHF of 68-82 mW/m2 (Cluster 2); the third with SHF of 40-58 mW/m2 (Cluster 3).
Models with active extension, sedimentation, and magmatic underplating match the Cluster 1 geotherms. Simple 1D steady-state thermal conduction models can match the 5 Cluster 2 HFRs. P/T constraints from mantle xenoliths and young lavas considerably narrow the range of acceptable geotherms. However, such steady-state models are inconsistent with the low SHF and ~ 70 km LAB depth of Cluster 3. In each of these 5 HFRs there is geologic and/or seismic evidence for Late Cenozoic detachment and sinking of mantle lithosphere. A transient 1D conduction model is used that includes an initially 50 km thick lithosphere exposed to hot asthenosphere 3-10 Ma BP and then conductively cooled and thickened by mafic underplating. Present day temperatures are warm in the lower crust, ~750˚- 850˚C at the ~ 40 km depth Moho, and ~1400˚C at the LAB.
Models with active extension, sedimentation, and magmatic underplating match the Cluster 1 geotherms. Simple 1D steady-state thermal conduction models can match the 5 Cluster 2 HFRs. P/T constraints from mantle xenoliths and young lavas considerably narrow the range of acceptable geotherms. However, such steady-state models are inconsistent with the low SHF and ~ 70 km LAB depth of Cluster 3. In each of these 5 HFRs there is geologic and/or seismic evidence for Late Cenozoic detachment and sinking of mantle lithosphere. A transient 1D conduction model is used that includes an initially 50 km thick lithosphere exposed to hot asthenosphere 3-10 Ma BP and then conductively cooled and thickened by mafic underplating. Present day temperatures are warm in the lower crust, ~750˚- 850˚C at the ~ 40 km depth Moho, and ~1400˚C at the LAB.